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Accepting life

Today felt like a really long day. Actually, days have been starting to feel long for some time. I don't know if that means I have a lot of time on hand or I just don't know how to use it judiciously. But in all honesty, I am quite content with how I spent today. I didn't do anything extraordinary, but I studied both physics and chemistry and actually completed my goals, so I am happy. Even though I laboured a lot to finally get up and solve some numerical problems, I am glad I took that hard step.

Now that I am writing this blog, although I am unsure if I want to post this or not, some things are coming to mind. A few days ago, a teacher of mine said that acceptance in life is very important and you should be satisfied with yourself in the present as it will keep you happy. And I completely agree with this in preaching, but I don't think such a person exists. Well, you can try to accept everything, but how is it possible to accept the world as it is? With all the corruption, evil practices, and injustice, is it possible to accept such a tainted society? Everyone and everything have flaws, and we can't change that, but is it necessary to accept them? Can't we just despise it and still keep living? Or is hatred also a kind of acceptance? Accepting that you can't accept something—does that count as acceptance?

It might be that I've watched too many real-life-inspired crime thrillers that my view seems a little too biased. Acceptance is a difficult trait to develop, and I think everyone sometimes in their life just accepts the situations as they are and lets go of the idea of changing them or trying to make them better. Acceptance brings relief and contentment, but with that comes a sense of grief too. But I guess that's just how life is.

I also used to believe that if I just tried hard enough and put in a little more effort, I could make everything go my way. Unfortunately for me, that's not how life works. Some things are just out of your control; there's no why, but, or if; they just are and they'll be. It took a number of circumstances for me to understand, and if I am honest, I still don't.

I guess acceptance comes more easily with age. Maybe because a lifetime is a long time to hold a grudge. So I have also come to terms with some facts, such as that not every question has answers, no one knows everything, people just speak from their experiences, which may not be true for others, the world is as good as it is bad, physics is tough but interesting, chemistry is not my type of subject, I love mathematics and biology equally, fasting is difficult, so is daily exercise, and so is learning to play an instrument or consistency is general, basically all the good things in life, childhood was better, and the only things truly worth my time are good movies, heart-touching music, books, family, friends, and food.

I didn't intend on writing this long a blog but give a person a keyboard and a blogging space, and you'll yourself realize what all was in your mind.

Okay then.

Good night.

Bye bye.

PS- Giving a title to a blog is one of the most difficult tasks in life. I never come up with an appropriate and clever blog title. But I am feeling too sleepy to brainstorm. So, another step towards acceptance.

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1 Comment

This blog is amazing!! Especially the 5th paragraph👏❤️

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