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Go with the flow

Greetings! Your inconsistent blogger is right back after giving exams. I honestly can't remember the number of times I have mentioned exams on this blog. That just proves how many of them I am giving. I got sick in the middle too. I had a high fever, cold, and cough for just one day, and that one day felt like eternity. It made me realize how much we take our healthy bodies for granted. Let me take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my precious organs and antibodies for their tireless efforts. Thank you very much.

Moving on, today I'm here to talk about going with the flow. And coming from someone who has always lived by the motto "life is what you make it", it means I really put some thought into it. I never believed in going where life takes you and have always tried hard to shape things my way, working hard to oppose the flow until now.

I now feel that sometimes letting go of the steering wheel and seeing where the road leads is not that bad. You might come across something unexpected and surprising, which might be actually good for you. Because no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to change everything, and in the end, you are the one that ends up getting hurt. So, it's better to work on yourself. The only one you can change is you. You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people around you. You can choose to surround yourself with positive people. You can't control the situations that life throws at you, so learn to accept them as they are, not as they should be. Get out of your hard shell and try to become more flexible. Not everything is worth your time and energy. Realize that and save yourself from getting mentally worked up over petty things. I understood this after getting worked up at the littlest of things that I felt were wrong. And I'm still learning to keep my adrenaline under control at such critical times.

I think I surrendered myself to fate when things went sideways for me in eighth grade, and I acknowledged my bad luck. There's a sense of peace and calmness that comes with accepting things for the way they are. It feels as if nothing can harm you anymore. An unsettling calmness. At the same time, I also feel that going with the flow is a good philosophy, but only for certain situations. I strongly believe that it doesn't apply when you are witnessing injustice, whether to yourself or to anyone else. I believe we should speak up for ourselves and others too, if they are scared to oppose the wrong. However, most people nowadays prefer to simply ignore wrongdoing if it's not happening to them. I think we have all heard the saying, "The one who chooses to bear injustice is more at fault than the perpetrator." Anyway, I'm not here to preach morals; I just think people should be a little better than that, or they should stop complaining when no one stands up for them.

In conclusion, sometimes going with the flow and taking it easy might lead you to a better place than your originally planned destination. Every now and then, take the backseat and enjoy the journey. I have been going with the flow, and the flow has finally led me to this blog. In the end, it's your life, so live it as you want, whether that's by going with the flow, working hard, or a combination of the two. As one quote that I came across while playing Cryptogram goes, "Make a decision and then make it right." I hope that whatever we decide to do with our lives, we make it the best decision for ourselves.

Today's mood:

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