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LEVEL:11 #2

Hello, folks! In my previous blog, I wrote about how "fun" my first week at school was. I thought the fun would continue this week also, but I was wrong. The fun ended with the week. Since this week has been drastically different from the first, I thought a part 2 was necessary.

Day 1: It had been so long since I stood in a queue during IHCs (inter-house competitions). It was so hot that I, along with everyone else, was sweating buckets. Then we had to go sit on mats on the ground for 1 hour in this mad heat. That one hour exhausted me for the entire day. I just wanted to go home and crash in my bed. Being tortured in the heat was the main point of going to school today, I guess. Day 2: I've felt sleepy since the first period, and I don't know why. I went to the washroom and saw such a big lizard that it occupied my mind for the rest of the school hours. I had three chemistry classes today, which only added to my tiredness. I slept really hard when I came back from school, and then went to my friend's house to make the class timetable. We felt so stupid for doing such things in eleventh grade. Also, today I completed watching Stranger Things. Woohoo!!! Day 3: I was sleepy today as well, but fortunately I felt energized later. This week, many good periods have been canceled. I had an English class today, and we read A Photograph by Shirley Toulson. I really liked how it was written.

It was so hot today that I just kept drinking water and sweating it all away the next moment. My math teacher praised me a lot, and when I say "a lot", I mean A LOT. I was showered with so many compliments that I don't think I'll need them for another year. All these praises got me thinking if compliments reflect who we truly are or who we portray to others. I'm kidding. I thought of this just now while writing. When I was being praised, I thought of how I would tell my friends about this. I kept smiling like an idiot while telling everyone about this. Anyway, this all happened today at school.

Day 4: I didn't have high hopes for today, but it turned out to be a pretty good day. I had had double periods since the morning, and the day went like all the other days this week. But in chemistry, we went to the lab to do a practical. And that single period turned my day at school upside down. We did salt analysis, and I felt like I was doing something extremely important. After that, my mood changed drastically. That one period was powerful enough to alter my entire experience at school. This, I believe, was the main event of my day.

Day 5: Friday is IHC day. This time, too, we had to sit on mats on the ground. There were selections for girl's badminton tournament, and everyone had to participate regardless of skills or interest. Anyway, my friend and I went to play, and we were not selected. It's not like we wanted to participate, but when we weren't selected, we did feel bad. I hate these IHC periods in such heat as it drains all the energy out of my body. Thankfully, I had a lovely lunch awaiting me. I brought macaroni for lunch, and to enhance the experience, I bought a coke from the canteen. Then the periods went on, nothing special. But it somehow still felt special.

Reading these entries, I realized that it had been a long week for me. Today I have a holiday and I will be putting an end to this week. In less than a fortnight, I've got my first fortnightly test of the eleventh. I'd better prepare for it.

I gotta go. Bye-bye, see you later!🤍

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