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Sometimes later becomes never

काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब ।

पल में प्रलय होएगी, बहुरि करेगा कब ॥


When I was thinking of starting this blog, I had many doubts. If starting a personal blog is a good idea, if I'll be able to continue it for a long time, if I am all prepared to publish it, is it the right time, and many more... All these questions were hovering in the back of my head and stopping me from starting my blog. One day, I became frustrated with myself that why I hadn't published it already. My website was ready, the first post was ready, so what was I waiting for. It occurred to me that if I kept making excuses, then I'd be making them for a long time. I would never be able to start a blog in this lifetime if I kept delaying it. And then I published it and since then, it has been supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

I think this happens with a lot of us. We keep waiting for the right time to come or the time when we'll be ready for it. These are nothing but just some petty excuses that we all make before starting something new. What we fail to realize is that the right time might never come, and we'll never be completely prepared. There will always be something pulling us back and, it is nothing but the fear of judgment. We think there'll be a time in the future when we'll have the right amount of time and skills but, it's never like that. We don't take any action in the present and keep putting these responsibilities on the shoulders of the future, never realizing that today was the future we talked about in the past.

I think we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do everything perfectly that we end up never doing them. Instead of taking a leap of courage and faith, we find comfort in the excuses. I feel that we should learn to trust ourselves more and be more confident in ourselves. We should never let the fear of what others will think to stop us from doing what's good for us and makes us happy. As I've read somewhere that, " A flower blooms for its own joy.", let us all reach our full potential and achieve whatever we want without our fears coming in our way. Because sometimes later becomes never.

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Uma Pal
Uma Pal
Oct 17, 2021

Good job

Oct 18, 2021
Replying to

thank you


Oct 17, 2021

Inspirational one.Good going Harshita...👍👏

Oct 18, 2021
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thankyou so much😊

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